Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blog Post 3

1.A Vision Of Students Today
The first scene of this video was a class room that looks very much like the ones here at South. It is almost like you want to fall asleep as soon as you walk into the doors. As each student held up a sign that represented their college experience, I was amazed at how much they were like mine. Many times I go into a crowded class room, pretend like I am listening, watch my clock, and then leave without learning anything.
Something that I would add to this video is how much we rely on our cell phones. When you enter a room, or get on the JagTran, take a look around. Every single person will have a cell phone in their hand. It serves us like a safety blanket. Instead of the student body being so reliable on out cell phone I feel that we should have to interact more. More group activities, like the ones we will be doing in EDM 310. This will help us in the future because no matter what happens around us, there will always be people.

2. "It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines

This was a very interesting point by Kelly Hines. I agree that no matter how much technology we have it is absolutely useless if we do not know how to use it. How awful would it be to go into a class room with all kinds of technological tools but have no one to teach you how to use them?
Teachers have to want to be learners and not be stuck in their old ways. That is like teaching someone how to use a dial up phone in the 21st century. That information would be absolutely useless and a waste of time. Teachers need to take the time to educate in a manner that will make the students interested and teach information that will help their minds grow, not make them go to sleep.

3. Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
This post is very blunt. It states that if you do not know how to use technology you should be embarrassed. It compares not knowing how to use technology these days is like not knowing how to read and write. I was kind of overwhelmed with this post and it really made me take a step back and examine myself. I know that I am no where close to where I need to be with technology. I would hate to go into a class room and hinder my students learning because of my lack of ability.
Even though this post is harsh it makes me very thankful that I am taking this EDM 310 class with Dr. Strange. I hope to learn as much as I can and apply it in my every day life so one day I can say that I am not technologically illiterate.

4. Gary Hayes Social Media Count

Wow, the numbers are astounding. Technology literally does make the world go round. This makes me realize that my career as a teacher will be largely based on updates. Updates with teachers, information, parents, students. The atmosphere will constantly be changing with just a click of a button.

1 comment:

  1. If you take anything from EDM, my hope is that you will learn how to learn. You may not feel like you're where you need to be as far as technology goes, but the main thing is that you are eager to to grasp a better understanding of it!

    - Allie
