Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog Assignment 1

My name is Hailey Jennele Smith. I was born in Richmond, Indiana but when I was six years old my parents got a divorce. Since my dad was originally from Indiana he stayed up there, and my mother came back to her home town, Mobile, Alabama. I chose to go to the University of South Alabama because I have a niece who is three years old and there is no way I could go off to college and leave her. Her father has nothing to do with her so I did not want to be another person who walks out of her life.
One of the reasons why I want to be a teacher is because I want to make a difference in children's lives. Not only with education, but with support. I want to really help children and equip them for their future to the best of my ability. I love helping people. I have always felt destined to be a teacher and in a few years I will fulfill my destiny.


  1. I think your dedication to your niece is very inspiring. It sounds like you care a lot about children and you will make a great teacher someday :)
